Subscribe to Nightmare Toys’ YouTube Channel!
That’s right, fellow horror geeks, we’re now on YouTube! In addition to our blog and Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, SnapChat, and Horror Amino profiles, the Nightmare Toys YouTube channel will also be bringing you information on the dark, delightful goodies we have. Here’s some of the fun stuff you’ll see:
Shop Walk-Throughs
We’re bummed, too, that not everyone lives in the Huntsville, Alabama area and can come to the store – hence, our online shopping options. With the channel, we want you to feel like you’re right there to see what’s along the walls behind the counter, how everything is arranged, and even when there are still boxes to unpack.
See what it looks like to cradle a cute Forevermore doll, such as Goat, Monkey or Pumpkin from the Halloween Collection. Or share in the glee of unboxing Annabelle, and notice how her weathered dress and face add to her creepiness. We’re just as gleeful as you to show off these terrific horror toys!
Details and Demos
Sometimes it helps to actually see products in use, to know what an awesome item it really is, especially if it’s supposed to replicate features that are distinctive to a particular part of a series. For instance, the Scarred Chucky doll is in one of our videos, so you can see how his hair and wounds perfectly emulate his (de)evolution in Child’s Play 2 and hear how great some of his trademark phrases sound. We also showcase items like Jason masks, so it’s as if you yourself were there to pick them up and decide between all of the variations.
Sneak Peeks
Want to know when we get in new horror collectibles, like Beckett-certified autographed merchandise from Doug Bradley, Kane Hodder, and Alex Vincent? Or when classic spooky toys like the glow-in-the-dark ReAction Nosferatu have just arrived?
Subscribe to our YouTube channel today, and get a closer look at the Nightmare Toys store and our wonderful inventory!